Avalanche | Home

June 26, 2023 San Francisco, CA 5:00pm - 9:30pm
...Now and in the Future

LLM Avalanche is a technical Large-Language Model (ChatGPT and the like) meetup held in San Francisco on Jun 26, 2023, preceding the Data+AI Summit. It will be held at the Contemporary Jewish Museum with 20 world experts as speakers on LLMs and 1,000 attendees. It is organized by a global coalition of developer meetups, including Bay Area AI, Bay Area Spark, Seattle Spark+AI,MLOps Community, and SF Big Analytics, with the total number of members exceeding 50,000 people.
The passes to LLM Avalanche are donations to NumFOCUS Open-Source Science Initiative. NumFOCUS is the 10-year-old nonprofit home of the Data Science stack, including Jupyter, Pandas, NumPy, SciPy, scikit-learn, and many more OSS projects. Paige Martin, an OSSci and Pangeo Steering Committee member, now at the NASA TOPS program, is going to Ghana to teach data science and will bring the donation to Africa in person. Paige will address LLM Avalanche during the opening remarks.

June 26, 2023 San Francisco, CA

February 2024, New York City, NY